Can megger kill you ? | Can a voltage generated on the Megger or comes from the Megger kill a human?

Can megger kill you ? 

Can megger kills you ? it's very interesting equation i read in internet, and i find the best answer for you guys after my research on this.

we know that we use megger to measure the insulation resistance, but will you think that your megger can kill you ?

Is megger can generate that much voltage that can kill us ?

Let's find out 

First we here small discussion on effect of current on human body,

Electric current is able to create severe burns in the body. The reason is hidden in the power dissipation across the body´s electrical resistance. 

Shock can cause: cardiac arrest, burns to tissues and organs, muscle spasms, serious effects to the nervous system and other unexpected consequences depending on amount of current and some other factor. 

human body resistabce

The minimum current human can feel depends on type of current for AC a person can feel at least 1mA rms and for DC a person can feel at least 5mA.

Human body resistance is can be 1 M or little less as per body conditions dry or wet.

Now lest discuss about megger,

The testing voltage is usually 500, 1000 or 2500 V which is generated by the hand driven generator.

The Megger is the instrument uses for measuring the resistance of the insulation. It works on the principle of comparison, i.e., the resistance of the insulation is compared with the known value of resistance.

As shown in above diagram internal resistance of megger is in series with leads where unknown resistance has to be connected. 

so equivalent resistance is very high.

Usual megger voltage is 500 V ,Our equivalent resistance is very high about 1 M .This means a maximum current is about 1 mA , which is not safe.

You can expect considerable current through body if you touch both terminals of megger and apply 500 V, even though current is of limited value due to high internal resistance of meter.

500 V , 1000 V or 2500 V , None of the voltages would injure you, but you will hurt yourself just trying to get away from it, fall off ladder, jump backward and bang your head, etc. they will really “rattle your cage”.

But don't try it. it should be dangerous or may harm you.and against the safety rules.

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August 17, 2020 at 7:44 PM ×

Thanks for giving such a good and easy to understand explanation...

August 17, 2020 at 9:23 PM ×

Welcome.. please be with us for this type of informations.
