How to calculate capacitor for motor | Selection of capacitor for single phase induction motor | selection of running capacitor for single phase induction motor

How to calculate capacitor for motor | Selection of capacitor for single phase induction motor | Selection of running capacitor for single phase induction motor.

When we talk about a single phase induction motor using capacitor starting or running methods question is arise How to calculate capacitor for motor ? or Selection of capacitor for single phase induction motor.

we must select the rated of capacitor suitable with motor to get correct starting torque and avoid  winding from overheating and can cause a damage.

The voltage rating for capacitor is very important.When we select the Rated voltage for capacitor,we must know the value of our power supply.

For safety purpose,multiply the voltage of power supply with 30%.

How to calculate capacitor for motor ? is basically a question of motor design.There is no straightforward regular relationship between capacitance and the motor size in kW.

When we replacing these capacitors, the value of capacitance  and voltage should be taken from the manufacturer’s specification  plate on the motor or from the old capacitor.

when we select capacitor for a particular motor this must be correct within ±5% and is sometimes stipulated down to a fraction of a μF.The choice of a running capacitor is even more limited than with a starting capacitor.

How to calculate capacitor for motor :

There are two way to calculate capacitor value in micro farad for motor

1. Thumb Rule
2. By basic formula to calculate capacitor sizing

1 . Thumb Rule :
The thumb rule has been developed to help and simplify the process of selection of capacitor for single phase induction motor, to select the correct capacitance value , start with 30 to 50 uF/kW and adjust the value as per required , while measuring motor performance .

This method of selection of capacitor for single phase induction motor is not precise according to my point of view.

2. By Basic formula to calculate capacitor sizing :

We also can use this basic formula to capacitor for single phase induction motor,

P = Power in Watt                   
n = efficiency of motor          
V = supply voltage                 
C = capacitor in micro ferad


we take an example of single phase induction motor ( fan motor) with 80W power rating 230 V ,50 Hz supply with efficiency of 80%. How to calculate capacitor for motor ?

Conclusion :we all know value of fan motor capacitor its 2.5 uF as per result we find 2.5 uF capacitor value .

The wrong choice here can have adverse effects on the overall performance of the motor . Please refer to motor nameplate or contact supplier or manufacture to get a accurate value of capacitor.

Be safe , Work safe.

This is my view on How to calculate capacitor for motor orSelection of capacitor for single phase induction motor or selection of running capacitor for single phase induction motor .

Thank you

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May 22, 2021 at 5:20 PM ×

is it for starting or running capacitor how to calculate starting and running capacitor

August 9, 2021 at 9:08 AM ×

C= watt ×motor efficiency×1000/voltage^2×50
