How do you calculate standard insulation resistance of induction motor winding?

How do you calculate standard insulation resistance of induction motor winding? 

Most commonly use motor in industry is 3 phase induction motor. Whenever any problem occur in motor or during maintenance of motor done we check the windings , we saw that whether winding continuity is perfect or not.

To check continuity of winding we use multi meter , megger or series test lamp.

This test is most commonly we perform on any motor winding, most of motor problem or breakdown occur due to fault in winding of motor.

If there is fault in winding it may burn and open .

From this test we can primarily conclude that motor winding is faulty or not.

Content :

  • How do you calculate standard insulation resistance of induction motor winding?

How do you calculate standard insulation resistance of induction motor winding?

3 phase induction motor have 3 windings for each phase and each winding have 2 terminals so 3 phase induction motor terminal box have 6 terminals.

👉 Note the name-plate details of the induction motor and enter them in below Table 1.

Table 1

👉 Recommended standard insulation resistance :

According to machine design theory we can calculate a standard insulation resistance of the induction motor for comparison with actual insulation resistance (IR).

We can calculate insulation resistance by following equation.


IR = Insulation resistance in mega ohms at 25°C
En = Rated phase-to-phase voltage
P   = Rated power in kW

The  equation  given here is used to calculate the insulation resistance as a standard value. However the accepted insulation value should not be less than 1 mega ohms.

This is my view on How do you calculate standard insulation resistance of induction motor winding ?
after referring the electrical machine design book.

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