Ohm’s law | Application of Ohm's law | Formula of Ohm's law | Full name of Ohm

Ohm’s law | Application of Ohm's law | Formula of Ohm's law | Full name of Ohm

Ohm’s law

In 1826 George Simon Ohm discovered that for metallic conductor, there is a substantially constant ratio of the potential difference between the ends of the conductor

Ohm’s law gives the relation between the voltage, current and resistance of a circuit.

" Ohm’s law states that the ratio of the voltage (V) across any two points of a circuit to the current (I) flowing through is constant provided physical conditions, namely temperature etc. remain constant. This constant is denoted as resistance (R) of the circuit."

Ohm’s law | Application of Ohm's law | Formula of Ohm's law | Full name of Ohm
Ohm's law

In simple a way 

"when we apply voltage (V) across the two point of the close circuit, the amount of current (I) flowing through it is directly proportional to applied voltage and inversely proportional to resistance (R) of the circuit at constant temperature."

It means I = V/R

V = Voltage applied to the circuit in ‘Volt’

I = Current flowing through the circuit in ‘Amp’

R = Resistance of the circuit in Ohm (Ω)

The above relationship can be referred to in a triangle as shown in following fig. In this triangle whatever the value you want to find out, place the thumb on it then the position of the other factors will give you the required value.

Ohm’s law triangle
Ohm’s law triangle 

For example for finding ‘V’ close the value ‘V’ then readable values are IR, so V = IR

Again for finding ‘R’, close the value R, then readable values are V/I or R = V/I, like that Ι = V/I

Application of Ohm’s law in circuits :

Let us take a circuit shown in Fig having a source of 10V battery and a load of 5 Ohms resistance. Now we can find out the current through the conductor,

application of ohm's law
Application of ohm's law

            lets find current of the circuit,   
                                                 I ∝ V/R

                                                 I =V/R

                                                 I = 10/5 
                                                   = 2 Amp

Like this we can find current ,voltage and resistance of the circuit. result may vary according to temperature rise.

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Emma Jasmine
April 30, 2021 at 5:46 PM ×

The main application of Ohm's Law is used when building electrical devices. Most appliances need a certain amount of voltage and current to operate. To figure out the most efficient way to get the proper current, Ohm's Law is used. Ohm's Law can tell you how much resistance you need to establish a certain current with a certain amount of voltage. You demonstrated very well here the application of Ohm's law with the help of circuit diagram. I am sure students will find it very helpful to grasp not only this concept but other topics also. Thanks for sharing helpful content. For more information contact online physics tutor.
