How to check IC MIX2018 | IC MIX2018 | Application | data | Mix2018 diagram | MIX2018 pin diagram | MIX2018 Amplifier IC

How to check IC MIX2018 | IC MIX2018 | Application | data | Mix2018 diagram | MIX2018 Amplifier IC

IC MIX2018 amplifier

An amplifier is an electronic circuit which is used to amplify or increase the level of weak input signals into very high output signals.  

Transistors are used as amplifiers in most circuits. In addition, resistors, capacitors and a biasing battery are required to form complete amplifier circuits.

Almost all electronic systems work with amplifiers.  

We are able to hear the news or other programmes on our radio, simply because the amplifier in the radio amplifiers the weak signals received by its antenna.

IC MIX2018 is a amplifier IC ,which is use in almost all small up to 4.8 W power electronic devices like Bluetooth microphone, Bluetooth speaker etc.

Circuit Diagram of IC MIX2018:

pin diagram of IC MIX2018pin diagram of IC MIX2018

                                                                Pin diagram of IC MIX2018

➣ IC MIX2018 have 8 pin.

➣ Audio input is given to pin 4 (-IN) with reference to ground. And output is taken from pin 5 ( POUT) and pin 8 ( NOUT).

Mix2018 circuit diagram:

➣ Pin 1 (SD) and Pin 3 ( MODE) is provide communication between master and slave. clock pulses are given to this pins.

➣ Pin 2 (BYPASS) is grounded via 1 uf capacitor.

➣ Pin 4 (IN) Audio input is given with reference to ground. 

➣ Output is taken from pin 5 ( POUT) and pin 8 ( NOUT). Output Power is 4.8 W with load resistance 2 ohm.

➣ Pin 6 ( GRD) is connected to ground.

➣ Pin 7 ( VDD) - 0.3 to 5 V DC supply bias is given to this pin.

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