What is voltage or potential difference? | Difference between emf and potential difference | What is absolute potential ?

What is voltage or potential difference? | Difference between emf and potential difference | What is absolute potential ?

Here we discuss about What is potential difference or voltage ? How we can define voltage , what is voltage drop ? in very simple way here we go.

👉Content : 

  • 👉Emf and voltage or potential difference 
  • 👉Difference between emf and potential difference 
  • 👉Absolute potential 

👉Emf and voltage or potential difference

A charge must be carried to pass an electric current through the conductor , so it is necessary to do work and work requires workforce to do it.This workforce comes from batteries , this workforce is called Electro Motive Force (EMF).

Just as there is a potential energy difference between different heights from the ground, there is a potential difference between two points with an electrical energy source.

emf and potential difference

If we take an example of two water tank at same heights, no water flow form tank 1 to tank 2 because both tank is at same height so we can say both tank at same potential. So potential difference between both tank is zero.

emf and potential difference
In above fig Tank 1 is at height H2 and  Tank 2 is at height H1. There is height difference between both tank . So water flow from tank 1 to tank 2 . we can say there is potential difference between both the tanks .Tank 2 have more potential and 2 have low potential,

Same way in electrical energy source also have potential difference at there two terminal point.

voltage or potential difference

In above figure the battery has emf  E. This gives a potential difference E or V between point a and b.

The potential energy of a is greater than that of b and potential energy difference between two point is E. This is also called a voltage. 

                                                                  E = V = Vab

Vab is potential energy difference of point b with respect to point a.

voltage or potential difference

Suppose when a battery is connected to a load the positive charge in the battery moves from the negative end to the positive end and the force of attraction is applied from the positive terminal.

Work has to be done to carry a positive charge against this force. This work is done by workforce of battery and potential energy.

An electric current passes through the load which flows from higher potential energy level a to lower potential energy level b. This is said to cause a potential drop.

Voltage (or potential difference) is the energy required to move a unit charge through an element, measured in volts (V).and measured by Voltmeter.

Voltage (or potential difference)   = W \ Q 
                                                          = work or energy \ charge

If work is 1 joule and charge is 1 Coulomb than potential difference or voltage is 1 volt.

so joule per coulomb is volt.

👉Difference between emf and potential difference 

Emf is the electrical force due to which a charge (current) can be flow in a circuit, while potential is the difference in potential energy between two points in a circuit. Both have same unit Volt.

But emf shows the cause and potential difference shows effect.

voltage or potential difference

As shown in above fig current I is flow in a circuit due to electro motive force (Emf). 

Due to this current potential difference (Vab) produce between terminal of resistance R1.
and potential difference (Vcd) produce at terminal of resistance R2.

In this case potential difference is result and Emf is cause.

👉Absolute potential 

The force applied to a charge at an infinite distance in an electric field is zero. For this infinite distance is considered to be an imaginary zero potential. Absolute potential can be defined as follows.

"The charge of a coulomb in an electric field and the work done to bring it to a point from infinite distances is called the potential of that point"

This is my view on What is voltage or potential difference? after research of  month.

To know about very simple explanation of current please click on following link :-  Electrical current 

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